Lactation Support
Feeding a baby- is the continuation of that transformative nature of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. I support families in various parts of their lactation journey : supporting with improving latching, baby weight gain, increasing milk supply, return to work and pumping, breast/chest issues (like mastitis, plugged ducts, engorgement, sore nipples), transitioning home from the NICU and more.
I became an IBCLC in July 2024- to offer a higher level of evidence based, skilled, caring, and respectful lactation support. I now offer lactation services as a part of my offerings.
Initial Lactation Visit: $300 (self pay)- Homevisit
Virtual Initial : $250
Follow up: $200 (self pay)
Virtual follow up: $150
Prenatal Class: $150
Sliding scale available
Insurance available through TLN
I also accept the following insurances for lactation support through The Lactation Network. They usually will cover up to 6 visits, including one prenatal visit.
Blue Shield PPO
Anthem PPO
Cigna PPO
Most plans that use MultiPlan and PNOA